Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Link Reviews

After several seconds of hard consideration, I decided it was about damn time I put up some links, to other blogs at least. An act of desperation to boost ratings? Perhaps.

Flamori/Jonathan Tan Peak Sheng - Relatively veteran, this self-proclaimed cynic seemingly has nothing better to do than ruthlessly track down and convert every stray thought in his head into a rant that screams for change. His topics are pretty wide-ranging, if you can read his stuff for more than three minutes without wondering what the kid has against proof-reading. Then again, his commited atrocities against the English language are usually nothing short of hilarious. His site name is mispelled, and he once called the late pope John Paul III, but past the surface is a pretty insightful... no, morbidly fascinating... well, there are photographs.

Dhaliwal - Almost a year in the blogging circle, her site design and posts are never short on content. Her experience shows in the site's inspired design and the colourful pictures that accompany every post. A huge anime fan, her posts usually revolve around such. I haven't been reading into her previous posts, so I can only tell you what I see on the surface. But it looks good.

Tan Yee Hou - With a wicked cool cosmetic, loads of dialogue and... there's loads of dialogue. Which I find to be pretty hilarious in itself, but at this point I realise that with ten days blogging experience I am by no means a webblog connoisseur. In any case, a blog owner who steals video cameras on impulse is a person you should be watching.

Tan Yee Wei
- At this point you might begin to suspect, that these two are related, which is doubly true, they are related to me. Snippets of this and that has some truly beautiful photographs revealing everyday objects in all their crowning glory. It is also undeniably intelligent, with no shortage of entries either. While reading this blog I realised I did little actual reading, spending more time on the proverbial pictures worth (n) thousand words, the value of n being the number of photographs displayed.

DerangedSanity/Jason Chow Jun Whye
- There's a pretty good chance I spelt his name wrong. Jason's blog... well, it's Jason. People, did you expect any less? He's not light with his words, he discusses articles I can't begin to spell, and well, basically, I can't understand a word he's saying. Not through casual reading anyway. Still, if you're looking for a fifteen year old whose blog that makes reading
a mental exercise, or God forbid - English, you know where to go.

untitle/Eliot Lee - A comic blog with no comics. Well, this could be because he hasn't had time to get properly started, but I suspect it's because he is a lazy tool. Still, if he decides to surprise us all and actually starts a comic line, it will be a good thing since Eliot is a brilliant artist.

aslongasiamalive/Sabrina Low - Pure blog. One hundred percent public diary with all the trimming. Okay, so I don't know what I'm talking about, but I had to link this. This is, after all a list of blogs, and hers is such. Don't let my lack of a useful review fool you, there's lots of... stuff. Stuff! Okay, I am officially out of ideas. But click link anyway. There's a list you need to read, and try it yourself.

chocaddict/Tan Wen Juin - One of the Xanga crew, but this one's special because it kinda... has... one of my drawings... in a little corner somewhere. Hey, you see how many blogs you can get familiar with during the first week of school. I'm going to put every blog listed here on my regular reading list I swear. There is also a quiz that seems more suited for stalkers or Longshot than any sane person.

SeReNe_ChaN11/Serene Chan Sze Hua - Don't exactly know her blog is here, but when I was looking for a couple of blogs to wrap up this post with, I stumbled upon SeReNe_ChaN11 and heard an old song I used to love, which turned out to be Train's Drops of Jupiter. While that alone would have been enough (proving once and for all exactly how much I know about blogging), she also has a not exactly unique way of expressing her thoughts, possibly trying to kill us all by writing an entire entry without a single full stop or even paragraphs.

And thus, the celebration of Skull Pandamonium's tenth day is ended, and still I have no idea why it takes me so long to write a single entry. That's probably the kind of thing that comes with experience. And readers. So post like you mean it. Here are some generic comments you can use:

  • Your blog entry today was most insightful. Thank you for those enlightening words, the memories of which I will carry within me in a secret garden in a sunlit corner of my mind where I will never again visit save in sleep.
  • Hey, just letting you know there was some great stuff up there. I reallly enjoyed looking at it. Not that I read any of it of course. Stuff!
  • I was very offended by your blog, Skull Pandamonium. In my eyes you have single-handedly destroyed blogging forever. How does it feel to be clearly history's greatest monster? I hope you're happy now, you shameless parasite.
  • This is me dropping by to say hi/fuck you. Nice blog/words cannot describe how much I hated it. I agree/violently disagree with your views on [topic]. Have a nice day/engage in the act of coitus with yourself. Cordially yours, [name].


Anonymous said...

thanks! i've never actually read an opinion on my blog before...barring fellow anime aficionados who leave random compliments sometimes...so...yeah....thanks again...=P

陳一豪 said...

Yo man. I understand what you feel. Comments are appreciated. Gives you the ummph...
Since you said it, f___ you
Yours truly,
Tan Yee Hou

Tan Yee Wei said...

Heh thanks for the overly flattering review. I'll not contest the verdict.

Clicked on a few wicked links... especially liked Deranged Sanity.

Peak Sheng said...

i blame society and the fact that i hate proof-reading.
and yes, we shall proceed to believe that he's the third pope johnnie paul.

appreciate the comments bitch.

Pik Yen said...

Your blog entry today was most insightful. Thank you for those enlightening words, the memories of which I will carry within me in a secret garden in a sunlit corner of my mind where I will never again visit save in sleep.

=P tadaaah. nah, just a little lazy to type at the moment. Just crawled through a ton of bloody homework.


Jun Ian said...

nice to see someone uses my material
the whole secret garden is just weird though