Saturday, January 14, 2006

Moore's Law

Moore's Law: The number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every 18 months.

This is not going to be an intelligent discussion. Today's post will have nothing to do with the above Moore's law. Why? Simply because Gordon E. Moore is the wrong Moore.

Moore Moore Moore Moore.

The right Moore has been mentioned before in my posts. At the time he was trying to power-bully the Science students of 4C. Like so. I mentioned at the time that he was funny. I did not mention that he was possibly the most straight up awesome teacher ever. Well, I didn't know.

So on Friday we heard it from the 4K guys. The following could be considered dramatic reenactment. But not overly dramatic, since the original screenplay was whack enough.

Dexter: So Moore comes in late, right? He's always late.
Eliot: Always!

Dexter: I think he does it on purpose. He walks so damn slowly, once he was in the parking lot, and it took him like ten minutes to get up the stairs.

Eliot: Sometimes we have to send to the monitor to the staffroom to get him, and he's sleeping.

Dexter: So he came in late - about ten minutes, he's always ten minutes late - and he said he didn't want to do any work so he wouldn't give us homework if we didn't tell our parents. So we all said okay, we got a free period and he took a nap!

Eliot: It was all like, "Do you guys feel like doing any work? I don't feel like doing any work. I'll make you a deal. If you promise - swear to God - to not tell your parents about it, I won't give you any homework." So he looks at me and says, "All right, Eliot?" And I'm like, "Uh... yes sir." And he goes, "You hesitated. That means you are lying!" He says stuff like that all the time. So I always hesitate when he asks questions. Then he drops off to sleep. How cool is that?

So I say that that's awesome, and ask them what subject he teaches.

Dexter: Modern Maths. He teaches for like ten minutes then lets us off, all the time! How many sums have you done for homework, since school started?
Pia: I got like ten today, in total something like... I'm not sure.

Dexter: About thirty or more, right? Get this, we have eight.

Pia: Eight today, or...?

And I tell her he means eight all told.

Pia: No way! I hate you guys!
Eliot: It's so cool, we've only done like eight or twelve sums and we get free lessons all the time. You know what he said the other day? He was late - as usual - so our monitor went to fetch him.

Pia: Wait, who's your monitor?

Dexter: Kai Xin's our monitor.

Eliot: Right, so Kai Xin went to get him, and when he came to class he was all, "Why did you send her to get me? I was sleeping. Don't be so smart next time. I wanted a nap, do you realize you could've had a whole free period?" Then he turns to Hari and he says, "Hari! Did you tell her to come and get me?" And Hari's all, "No, sir." And he goes, "She says you did." and Kai Xin's like sitting there and smiling.

Heheh. So I'm thinking that they're really far behind in their work, and I say so.

Eliot: I think we are, cause we haven't even finished chapter one yet.

Chapter one?

Eliot: It is chapter one. Chapter two, that's Add Math.
Dexter: Modern Maths starts from chapter one, Add Maths starts from chapter two.

Eliot: You got your maths mixed up.

Never you mind.

Pia: Standard forms, right? But we haven't finished chapter one either.
Eliot: Hah! Moore rocks!

Dexter: Remember his second lesson? His golden rule?

Eliot: Oh yeah! It was -

This and the accompanying statement is strictly non-canon. But I would like to take a moment to say that this is the real Moore's law, as is referred to in the title.

Eliot: From the moment I enter the class, there is no one here but you and me.

Dexter: So he told us that, and then Nicholas Yong comes in.

Eliot: And he didn't hear any of that.

Dexter: So Moore goes to him and asks him, "Who's sitting next to you?"

Eliot: And it's Jie Hwa, so he says, "Jie Hwa, sir." And Moore's like shaking his head and going, "No, no." Then, "Jie Hwa, who's sitting next to you?" "No one, sir." "Good. So when are you going to teach your friend the rules?" "After class, sir." "Why not now?" "Because he doesn't exist, sir." "Good boy, Jie Hwa."

Man, that's like hilarious.

Dexter: So after that he turns to the class and says, "Give Jie Hwa a clap." And Nicholas says, "I thought he's not there sir?" And Moore goes, "Don't try to be clever with me."

How cool is that? Next year, if I get a chance I wanna be in his class. Maybe write a letter to the school requesting the Moore Experience.


陳一豪 said...

Hey Ian, he's kinda a fuck up actually. Horny little bastard. Has not personally taught me before but I had some conflicts with him before. Aw well, hope you get him anyway.

Anonymous said...


If he taught in my school, he would be fired before you can say "Moore's Law".