Sunday, January 01, 2006

Obligatory Formality

At the urging of those who said I should, and in defiance of those who didn't, I have created a blog.

So this, right here is my first post. It is also the first day of the new year. To commemorate this occasion of dubious significance, you might expect a celebration of some sort, an inspiring mission statement of my broader objectives, or at least a few words. Well, no. That is, there will be no instances of merrymaking, nor will there be commandments, but of words, there will be plenty.

This whole New Year deal, are you supposed to somehow know when it happens? I actually feel slightly different, but it's not like anything special has happened. Sure, today was a busy day, what else is new?

Last night's celebration was hardly exceptional. No fireworks, no computers, no close friends. Just a scooter, and some wine mixed with coke, and disguised as such. I got a few leftover Christmas presents, they seem to be getting worse as I grow older. This year, I got a stationary set, a pen, a pair of shirts, and a book. I am devoutly thankful that I get to pick out some of my own presents.

Okay, I was lying earlier. Something special did happen today. I'll tell you about that some other time.

Sugar, you made my day. Heh.

Anyway, this morning I finally had the dream I was waiting for. As usual, I could tell where most of the parts were coming from. For example,

  • a long overdue gathering,
  • my cousin's hair (dyed candy yellow at the fringe),
  • a few words in a conversation about how an old friend was getting taller,
  • a few words in a conversation about how an old friend still looked the same,
  • getting jumped in the mall by a boy screaming profanities,
  • all my friends from Outward Bound,
  • a discussion about stalkers,
  • a life-sized Monopoly set, and
  • dinosaurs

could only lead to one thing. A mad gathering in a college setting of everyone I ever met in my life. Of course, the dream changed some of them in strange ways. There was a friend who had a clone of himself from 2002, a friend who had grown to the point of pretty much requiring his own area code, and another with hair dyed candy yellow at the fringe. Of course, there was a lot more to that dream, but it's always difficult to remember details. I know how it ended, though. A chase by dinosaurs, through a roundabout desert setting where we had to roll dice to move. And of course, her.

She was the whole reason why this particular dream was the one I had been waiting for. Every other time I met someone in a setting far from reality it was always great, but it was never her. But not this time. I'm going to explain all of this one day, I promise. For now, all I can say is that with the start of school just a day away, things are going to pick up real quick.

This is Skull Pandamonium.

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