Monday, January 09, 2006

January Highlights

Well, I had to return the OC. Too bad, cause I never finished watching it. I'm gonna see if I can find some way to borrow it from Wen when I get the chance, cause eight episodes short of a complete season is no way to live. Not knowing what happens to Ryan Atwood and Seth Cohen's gonna be bad enough. But what's worse is that Azfar told me that Marissa Cooper and Anna Stern become lesbians later on, which is perhaps outrageous enough to be true. Which means of course I must... have... this thing.

So things are going pretty well. What are my January highlights, exactly? Without a doubt, the celebrations that will fill my days this weekend are going to be - to use my mot de choix - awesome. Yeah, french. If trying to add a touch of class to a blog entry with a totally unrelated phrase from a foreign language is wrong, I don't want to be right. Anyway, the celebrations.

On one hand we have Edward, having this great thing going in his beautiful house, with a great guest list that I helped write. He's leaving for Australia and possibly this could be his last chance to see certain people in a while. Certain people who mean something to him. So he's got a pool and a huge basement and a wall projector and a sound system and a piano and a huge open space that looks pretty good for dancing, and with the right food and drink that's pretty much all you need for the ultimate house party.

On the other hand, we have Maisarah, throwing a bash in a hotel, where I heard she reserved an entire two floors or something. She's leaving for Australia and possibly this could be her last chance to see maybe a full third of the form, keeping Hallmark in the green as far as sales are concerned. So far I've heard rumors about an indoor pool, and ballroom dancing. Well as far as I know it's gonna be the most expensive party I've attended outside of wedding dinners, and no matter what they have for us it's gonna rock hard.

Anyway, I'll be back with my Top Ten I Must Have This Thing list.

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