Wishworld, Endings and Beginnings II
In the devastated office that had hours ago been the seat of government for the last sovereign nation on Earth, an agent of unknown purpose surveyed her mark. Intelligence had been dead on, and now the wishmaker called Dassila was out cold, along with the rest of the terrorists. The fire-controlling spy Michael and the queen bee Dexter were both buried beneath the rubble. She flipped a switch on her helmet and spoke to persons unknown.
“General, we have them. All targets acted as per simulation. Yes. No. Do I really strike you as the kind of woman who would have trouble handling a couple of teenage boys?”
Then an overturned bookcase shifted, and Dexter, totally unharmed but pissed as hell, crawled to his feet, glaring hard at the woman and making the ‘wrap it up’ sign with one hand. The woman considered him, then returned to the conversation at hand.
“Update, the queen bee is still very much alive and kicking. Do not worry, Nicholas. This is easily remedied. Send in the extraction team, this will not take long. Over and out.” Raising the barrel of her rifle slightly, she turned to face the wishmaker.
“Who sent you?” The queen bee barked it out like a command. Understandably, he had been getting his way for almost a week now. Well, time for him to learn what life was all about. She leveled her sights at him.
“Stand down, boy. I don’t have to take you by force.”
Dexter gave a sharp laugh. “By force? You can’t hurt me, pawn. Didn’t your puppet masters tell you that? Or have they broken down all independent thought to the point where you thought it would be a good idea to take me on alone?”
She nudged Dassila with a boot. “I handled your right hand pretty well, didn’t I?”
“Hmm?” He smiled. “Oh, I guess so. Portable gravity wells, strategically placed to inhibit his movement but not yours. But you’re also wrong. My right hand -” He raised the glove with the claw. “My right hand is right here.”
“Keep joking, wishmaker. You’re still coming with me.”
“Jokes? A sense of humor was never a requirement for the supreme ruler of all land and sea.”
“Neither is it a requirement for an inmate.” She took several steps towards him, her rifle never lowering in the slightest.
His eyebrows arched. “They say the amount of attention one gets in jail increases in direct proportion to the atrocity of the crimes committed. While I am slightly curious to see what the overthrow of every head of state of every nationality in the world would bring me, I have too much left do to spend my time locked away in a prison beneath the Earth. Your gravity wells - they don’t come cheap. Neither does the information you obviously had on my small band of hellraisers. This is the last time I’m going to ask you nicely. Who are you working for?”
“You know what, wishmaker?” He could see his own face staring back at him in the visor of her helmet. “You can go to hell.” Then she fired.
Dexter twisted as the first bullet hit his body, somewhere near the heart. The claws on his glove extended and the metal glowed an organic green. Two more bullets hit him between the eyes and in the chest as he lunged towards the woman. After that, he just stopped counting.
She moved like a gymnast, dodging his wild swipes easily and pouring rounds of fire into his body. But he seemed unaffected by the hail of bullets, not slowing down as he doggedly tried to cut off her angles and edge her into a corner.
They continued in such a fashion until he finally edged her. As she leapt past him to escape, his left hand found her leg and he threw her against a wall, creating clouds of dust around her. He dashed towards her, and the glove came up, stretching for her neck. She caught the claws with her own gloved hands, but his strength overcame hers, and the claws inched towards her neck slowly but surely.
“I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. “But why die in service of a government now obsolete? If that is who you’re really working for, but there’s no one else on Earth who can give you more than I can, now or ever. Join me, I’ll give you power such as you can scarcely imagine. I hate to see such talent wasted.”
“You -” Their gazes locked again. As much as reflective glass can glare anyway. “You really talk too much.” Then she released a thousand volts of electricity into his glove, killing it instantly. The previously vivid color faded away. His focus slipped for a moment and she fired point blank at the claw, shattering it in several places.
Her red hair, now covered in dust sprawled across the floor as her helmet and her gun clattered to the ground beside it. The poison in her neck was now spreading to her whole body. Dexter glanced at his right hand as the color faded back to normal. It really was a little miracle of bioengineering, especially considering the fact that his skin was impenetrable. But again, no problem is a problem at all for a man who could build anything from nothing.
For Michael, Dexter reflected, the impossible had a sometimes frightening way of being merely difficult. The glove, his hand, the visor the Michael wore, the Asmodeus itself…
Just about all the technology that had assisted in Dexter’s rise to power had been assisted by the man. And that was only one of his powers. It was lucky for him, thought Dexter, that Michael was content to play second fiddle to himself. The man was possibly the most impressive wishmaker he had ever encountered.
He frowned. The term that the woman had used. It had stuck in his head, though he could only guess at its meaning. But whenever he tried to think too hard about anything these days, he always ended up…
Shaking his head clear of thoughts, he turned his attention back to the task at hand. He had to free his followers from the rubble, and deal with the ones who were unconscious or dead. Then they had to hide the woman’s body, and set a trap for this extraction team, when it came. So much to do, so little time…
He was temporarily blinded by a bright flash of white light. There was a noise like the sound of air escaping, then something moved in the room and his vision returned. He whirled around in bewilderment.
The extraction team, it seemed, had come and gone. The woman, along with her gun, her helmet and any identifying equipment, had vanished.
---That was the second installation. Endings and Beginnings is our current storyline. About the artwork here... I'm not too happy with it on the whole, thought individual panels look better than last week's, as a page it doesn't look as good. Never mind. The writing is in one of my favorite styles though.
Those of you waiting for your characters to appear, sorry, you might have to wait awhile. I had originally intended to make the comic here an eight panel half page, and there would be the second half of the page later on in the same post. But I learned that I can't work as fast as I thought, otherwise I don't have enough time for it. Next week's might be shorter, I don't know. The reason for this is because I have exams.
Anyway, there's a very important announcement here.
Important Announcement!
After this post you should have enough clues to guess who the woman in white is. Your sole hint is that the person with the best chance of answering this question is Dexter. This does not mean that she is an acquaintance of his, it does not mean she is a wishmaker. Leave your answer in your comment, and I'll give you... something I haven't figured it out yet.
Your extra content this week is: character concepts.

Same time next week for a new Wishworld! This time, we introduce the good guy team. Now I really gotta go.
Lolz good thing gene didnt read this first. Then it would just be freaky and then wo would all be fairly sure gene has cameras outside Jun Ians house and we all know what that would indicate.
Anywho onto the story it as good as or better than the first story. Anywho i'll make my guess and i think it is not among the 3 people that listed here on your site anywho i'll make my guess later.
Like i was saying good story all in all. Good job Jun Ian
yay second installment was awesome! =D and I can sorta hazard the guess that the person was pia...then again I may be wrong, which I think I am, but meh...I'm tired and sleepy, so yeah...
and I just realised I was but half an hour or so away from the first post...gah...
I was at a charity concert, you idiots. Full day for me. Nice continuing. See! This prooves i'm not such a fanatic
good show, as always.
you were away and I was off msn. btw ppl... there are four female characters. go through the posts. BUT there is a chance that IT IS NOT ONE OF THEM.
the skirt on her looks nice, BUT it will be VERY VERY uncomfortable for her if she fights in that =P
no, its not sabrina, its not pia, its not holly.
eoin colfer? he has several good expressions and he recycles them. Never more than once in the same book, but if you read the artemis fowl series in sequence, certain sentences pop up a lot.
I love suspense. I just hate waiting for it to resolve. And now you have exams. Ugh.
I dunno. I'm guessing Pia? Or someone else from Methodist whom I don't know.
the first sketch of the guy seems familiar.. like it's from some anime...
is it?
edward... teleporting to lisha wont work as long as there's no lisha in this story so... you know what to do.
zhen... I said that it wasnt pia right? here's another hint: as someone outside of wesley you have as good a chance as any of us, maybe better depending on your scope of knowledge.
joseen... nope, it isnt. but I'm sure lots of animes have angels or guys with tattoos or scars on their faces. and in prince of persia the prince has a claw arm something like his so... I guess it's INSPIRED.
Great follow-up to the first piece. Lol. I can't think of a single name to put to that woman's face, so I'll save that for later, or when you finally reveal it.
Your work is consistent. Good Job! I sound like one of those damn things from eliot's monitoring book, without the humour.
Oh you did? Ooops. Haha. Don't recall. =P.
I was going to guess this earlier. But... I dunno. The girl you were infatuated with?
nope, not her. I'm going to tell you all what I told eliot earlier today... his guess (captain holly short, LEPrecon) was the closest even though the only thing that matches the actual answer is the red hair.
in other words, your guesses are completely off.
to help you along, here are the five clues that can be found in the chapter.
1. red hair
2. reports to a general named Nicholas
3. works for an organization with lots of resources and intelligence
4. did not use a callsign/codename (that would have been a dead giveaway)
5. the electric shock used to temporarily stun dexter
Bah! Humbug. This guessing game is getting me at my wit's end.
Somehow Sydney Bristol from Alias came to mind though. Haha. But then again, I've never watched Alias, so I wouldn't know.
It's a fictional character then? Hmm...
I won't tell you who she is unless you guess, so you'll only discover her identity at the same time as the rest of the characters if this keeps up.
your final clues are as such:
1. she's a fictional character
2. she's russian
3. her suit is not actually white. it's black, and she does not wear a helmet.
4. there is a spider on several parts of her costume.
come ON, people!
put 'site:en.wikipedia.org spider, russian, nicholas, fictional character' in google and you get Black Widow aka Natalia Alianovna Romanova
The person in white is Black widow Aka Nikola Romanoff
BTW i guessed it like 5 mins b4 you ask Jun Ian XD
ehe. I never knew about the Natalia Alianovna Romanova part. or the Nikola Romanoff part.
dexter actually guessed first but eugene had less hints to work with. I'll work out your rewards later.
but yeah, the attacker is Natalia Romanova codename Romanoff codename Black Widow. She's an ex-KGB spy who works for S.H.I.E.L.D. under Nick Fury. She's also with the Ultimates or the Avengers, depending on which Marvel universe you follow.
you didn't think earth's greatest heroes were asleep all this time, did you?
look forward to more celebrity appearances... this IS earth after all. good job dexter and eugene.
pandamomium used to be so much more intresting when you used to post stuff more often.
I'm in a love-hate relationship with virtual memory because of how prices are always,and I mean always falling. I hate buying SD Cards for my R4 / R4i at (what seems to be) a cheap price only to see it become ten percent cheaper a few weeks later.
(Posted using Nintendo DS running [url=http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978023679]R4i SDHC[/url] NextPost)
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