Intermission: Intermission
Note to future self: We suck at gambling. This isn't going to be a real post. First off, I would like to tell everyone reading this to click on this link. As often as you can, it helps.
Now, here's an interesting piece of trivia for Firefox users, if you type w into your address bar it takes you to the White House site. Does anyone know why?
A long time ago I said I would talk about Edward's party. I'm not gonna do that, but I am gonna put up some snapshots I found.

I also found these old pictures of Brian washing his hair.

And finally, this is the part where I thank my faithful, and reply your questions.
Thanks everyone who commented on my two comics, the third page is almost done.
Thank you Peak Sheng, Jo Seen, Jason, Eugene, Pik Yen, Eliot, Wei Zhen, Vanu, Pia and Aaron.
As for the murder, what do you mean did I take those pictures with that storyline in mind? It just happened! When a crime is commited, do you ask the detective if he collected his evidence to fit the theory, or shaped his theory to match the evidence? Those photos just were. The case was formulated on the evidence, the way it should be.
I have a preview for you. Actually, it's just a title. For a post I plan to do after the story arc is complete.
My Chemical Romance
It is unclear to me when it was when I first met her, for it was a long time ago and at the time we acknowledged our seperate existences and little more. Over the years we did interact on various occasions but we did not truly become friends, nor did I realise how much she meant to me until one night....
... Then I slid on my knees and I laughed and I cried all at once and I prayed for it to be real or to never wake from this dream if it weren't. And I felt with dread, even as my heart sang with joy, the beginnings of the daylight world ebbing into my conciousness. And I awoke, and frantically I sought her out, wishing to know if it had been a fantasy...
... And that memory I will store within me, perhaps in an eternally sunlit meadow in a corner of my mind that is free from taint, that one day when troubles are near I may draw upon it to give me strength or when my days are at an end, to spend my time in that distant place, where the world beyond shall fade away and oblivion claims me...
... Sure I can be clever and articulate in fantasy worlds I create in my head, but I just realised that no matter how prepared I think I am for something I always come out at the bottom...
... The dirty plate, the saucer and cup, the half empty glass. And they say my whole life is turning into a QC/MegaTokyo dating sim. They hate me for it, I probably should too, but I don't care.
Go preview! Stay tuned people!
did you hear that eliot?
she likes megatokyo and qc!
defend yourself!
Intriguing. Yes, your life is a bloody dating sim. Not that I've played them.
Still, for some reason I envy you.
gambling was never my forte,
except blackjack. i owned at blackjack during church camp. no money sadly, it WAS a CHURCH camp.
you drank the half empty/full glass. We don't hate you for who you are. We actually find your life quite interesting. Mine's just boring
who said anything about hating me for who I am?
finally we reach double digits
those are tears of joy. JOY!
It's back up, I suppose that's good for you. Nyways, here, one final comment for the hoard.
the hoard? my gmail says it should be plus plus!
est la vie, I guess...
its pretty much, pia, u, jason, eliot and me posting comments.
wow! 15!
I'll make it 16...and I DO NOT look like Li Wen thank you very much
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