Tuesday, July 11, 2006


There are some more things for you to look at today (since response was good yesterday). First, a picture of a planet being sort of penetrated by a giant roasting laser.

Demon Bound: World of warcraft says:
It's like earth is being roasted by a heat ray
Demon Bound: World of warcraft says:
but whats with your obssesion with beams?
[δignia] new artwork says:
Demon Bound: World of warcraft says:
Is this some phallic obssesion
[δignia] new artwork says:
the focus is the planet
Demon Bound: World of warcraft says:
oh so now it's an obsession with gonads eh?

Next up we have the same planet... being toasted by a solar flare. Poor planet.

Finally the solar flare is displayed in all its exploding-Death-Star-esque glory. All three pictures today were made using similar techniques. They are also all in 1024 x 768 in case you want pretty pictures for your desktop. Also, the solar flare/cloud can be made into many X-traordinary shapes. Like V or A or X.

Something that happened today:

Kevin and Lib Yin play a game involving the slapping of hands. The game seems designed for individuals with prevailing machismo issues and the sole object seems to be laying the hurt on your opponent.

Lib Yin: *miss*

Kevin: *gentle touch*

Lib Yin: *SMACK*

Kevin: You're not supposed to do that... after I get you it's game and you can't hit me back.

Lib Yin: Kay, sorry.

Kevin: It's your turn.

Lib Yin: *miss*

Kevin: *gentle touch*

Lib Yin: *SMACK*

Kevin: Again! Guys, check this out!

Yow Hwui, Jason, Mahadi, Jun Ian and Azfar gather round.

Lib Yin: I won't do it again!

Kevin: Prove it. *gentle touch*

Lib Yin: *miss*

Kevin: *gentle touch*

Lib Yin: *SMACK*

Kevin: See there! No impulse control!

Lib Yin: Sorry! It's just a thing where if someone hits me I have to hit them back!
Kevin: Well let's see if you can control it then.
Lib Yin: *smack*

Kevin: *miss*

Lib Yin: *miss*

Kevin: *smack*

Lib Yin: *draws back fist* GRR!

Kevin: Ahn!

Yow Hwui: See! At first her hand like this and then now like this. So violent la Lib Yin.

Yow Hwui opens and closes a fist to demonstrate.

Mahadi: Look at her she's biting her teeth. Better watch out next time she punch you already.

Jun Ian: Next time you smack her, she'll kick you in the jewels. Or maybe headbutt.

Lib Yin: It's a relfex action!

Azfar: Lib Yin can become damn good keeper then.

Jason: After the ball goes in she saves.

Jun Ian: Nah. After the ball goes in she punches the striker.


Unknown said...

did u do the planets yourself?

Jun Ian said...


Mahadi Don said...

you forgot about the part where she sat on the floor laughing next to a puddle of water

Jun Ian said...

I also left out the part where I smashed in a styrofoam cup. those parts are being saved.

Unknown said...

the first picture looks like the planet's being sprayed with red spray paint...

Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. » » »