Does anyone out there still visit? If you're reading this, I guess so. Anyway, this is my latest work. The official blog of the Taylor's University College:
Does anyone out there still visit? If you're reading this, I guess so. Anyway, this is my latest work. The official blog of the Taylor's University College:
Posted by
Jun Ian
12:04 AM
Check. One, two, three.
My cbox is filled with spam. I hate it.
Here we go again.
Did you see? I created a word. I am very proud of this word.
It is a composite.
port·fo·li·o [noun]As the title suggests, this post will be dedicated to the various design projects I have assembled since the year began. I don't think I've posted any other artwork this year, have I?
The materials collected in a portable case, especially when representative of a person's work: a photographer's portfolio; an artist's portfolio of drawings.
fo·li·age [noun]
Plant leaves, especially tree leaves, considered as a group.
The soldier represents, well, a soldier. He isn't a sinister character, just an ordinary man driven to atrocities by a higher authority.Did you find that a tad pretentious? Maybe.
The higher authority is represented by the fist in the clouds above the soldier - meaning not mere military might but also corporate greed - it is symbolic of the men in power, the real masterminds behind the war, and their motivations.
The latter can be seen clearly in the golden bridges arcing towards the fist: wealth, territory and ever self-perpetuating power.
The weeping nun represents peace under threat. The blood in her tears is the suffering of the millions the war has killed or displaced. The ripples symbolize the far-reaching effects of the war - no one anywhere is truly safe while it continues.
Her hands are raised in a pleading position, but even as she prays we see she has lost a finger in a most brutal fashion - another symbol of painful and crippling loss. The near-endless horizon of graves serves as a sombre reminder as to the heavy cost of armed conflict, a tale eternally retold in the pages of human history.
The severed bridge between her and the soldier is representative of the breakdown in communication that preceded the war. A figure dangles precariously off the edge of the bridge, the everyman caught in between opposing forces and imperiled as a result.
The bloody-winged angel represents the loss of freedom brought about by the war, and the death of dreams unfulfilled when the lives of the next generation are prematurely extinguished.
The city set against the blood red sky suggests that no matter how vast our metropolii (the dictionary gives "metropolises" but this feels right to me) and how tall our skyscrapers, a war is all it takes to turn our smug civilization on its head and bring the walls of false security crashing down around us.
And finally, the butterfly perched on the moon adds a theme of redemption to this otherwise grim portrayal - even in the darkest night, hope presents itself to those who look for it.
Posted by
Jun Ian
11:45 PM
What About It artwork, college life
So I promised updates and I lied.
Blame MSN. Eiffel towers and cardinal sins.
Well I thought I would blog about my party (I didn't) but this is just more compelling. Tragedy is always more compelling.
This is today's tragedy.
Like the title suggests. I know it's been a while, but patience. My holidays start next week. Then you will all wish I'd stayed inactive.
AUDITIONS FOR PERFORMANCES FOR THE CAL GRAD BALL 2008Notice how it's MY name attached to the advertisement? Yeah, you got that right.
Details are as such :
It will be held between the 21st of April to the 25th of April 2008
Please tell ALL your friends about it. the performers are not restricted to merely Taylors students, but people from OUTSIDE of Taylors as well! :)
Feel free to inform anyone and everyone about our auditions!
We also welcome all kinds of performances, not just the usual dance or band performances! so feel free to contact us regarding any talents / performances (i.e. clogging, beatboxing, miming whatsoever! )
DO remind them to email us at (mind you the www. is part of the email ) or contact Jun Ian at 0169554388 to set up a slot !! :)
Posted by
Jun Ian
12:52 AM
1 recorded
What About It auditions, graduation ball, short post
And... it rolls to life again.
It's been almost a full month since I last posted. The sheer content of life in the last twenty days makes me feel like writing the entire blog in point form. Of course, doing so would serve virtually no purpose besides illustrating a level of sloth fast approaching sin.
Does the thesauraphilia get annoying sometimes?
I swear. You haven't seen anything yet.
I almost fell asleep driving to college this morning. Potentially fatal as though this might have been, I guess it really shouldn't come as a surprise. My grandmother's birthday party last night forced me to stay up until past two in the morning writing my four page-Psychology essays. Classes today were from eight to three, with a one hour break at twelve. I fell asleep sitting up during Maths, Chemistry and Biology. From three to four thirty I had a student council subcommittee meeting, and after that I dropped in to see the dance club at the ECA studio before for all of five minutes before heading home. I have to design a poster for a paintball tournament next week, consider doing a sample piece for the HELP Charity Auction on Friday, and get in touch with the Sheraton Imperial - a possible venue for the CAL '07 Prom in June. There's an e-mail in my inbox from the Taylors AIESEC about a meeting in the business school tomorrow... and I don't even plan to be in college then because our SPM results are due that morning. I'll have to keep checking my mail, too - Jason said he'd get back to us on the proposal for the Inter-College Dance Competition in April by the end of the week. Brian hasn't called me back to confirm practice tonight, but I don't think we have any other choice because our performance at INTI is this Friday (the same day as my Maths test) and we're running out of time. I have to finish my LAN video project by Monday, along with the slides for my Psychology presentation next Wednesday. Not to mention my regular homework.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my head of department at the Newsletter Club doesn't suddenly decide to contact me about next month's issue... despite the fact that he's long overdue.
I think... life probably doesn't get much better than this.
Some highlights of the past few weeks.
Posted by
Jun Ian
8:14 PM
1 recorded
What About It dancing, free coffee day, INTI is the bomb, mentos obsessions, Taylor's SAM Fiesta, the hectic days of our lives
New artwork. They do seem to be coming rather fast all of a sudden, don't they?
Jun Ian: Wait, what do you mean the power's out? When did that happen?
Angeline: While you were in the pool.
Jun Ian: What? How long were we in there?
Eliot: Long enough! The Berlin Wall's back up!
Posted by
Jun Ian
4:41 PM
1 recorded
What About It artwork, ham floating in the pool, literature extraordinaire, surprise birthday party, valentines
Pandamonium presents our word of the day!
sex burger [seks-BUR-ger] noun
HELP College slang, meaning a well-crafted answer to an English Literature question. Also used as a nickname for a certain Jason C.
Miss Tan: Okay class, good literature answers turn me on! Now Jason, why don't you try this question?And now, keep an eye out for horsemen... The comic has actually been actually updated.
Jason: *elaborate answer*
Miss Tan: Oh, Jason. That's a sex burger.
Nick: So what are you guys doing here?Captain obvious to the rescue!
Yow Hwui: Swimming.
Posted by
Jun Ian
9:06 PM
What About It artwork
Posted by
Jun Ian
1:06 AM
What About It short post, vote ben kane
Oh hello there. It's been a while hasn't it? Are you sure you even remember how to do this?
Well, I guess you're right. But let's start slow.
Backwards? I suppose that's one way to do it.
I had a late supper(?) Monday night with my cousins. Sketchy memory ensures a complete failure to recall the name of the place, but we played a variant of pass-the-hot-potato. Only the potato in question was not the titular potato but instead a variety of pabulum, all of which had to be consumed (within seconds!) by each member of the party as its orbit crossed his atmospheric pull.
A basic knowledge of Indian cuisine is required to fully appreciate the comedy in the following exchange.
Joolee: Are we going to order now? So what kind of naans are there?So what's the difference between a round indian flatbread and a woman who lives in a monastery?
Jun Ian: Oh uhm, Catholic...
Yee Wei: Protestant...
Jun Ian: So say I wanted to get into your school, without having to go past the guards in the front... how would I go about doing that?Well, following his directions I found the side entrance locked, but as I walked a little more I discovered the school's built really funny. Five or six guys hanging around guarding the front, and they leave the kitchen service entrance wide open.
Student: Oh... I don't know. I think there's another entrance around the side but it could be locked.
Matt: OH MY GOD! You're the same Jun Ian [x] has a [x] [x] on!Sorry guys, privacy reasons. If you really wanna know go ahead and ask me.
Posted by
Jun Ian
7:10 PM
What About It college life, highway horseplay, how to sneak into a private school, jarrod and rawlins, jumping out a window