Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hardcore xXx

Mahadi, stop using my blog to push Islam.

Where I come from, we have an expression:

"A watched Photoshop never loads."

This is not because of superstition or shit like that, but because no one is stupid enough to stare at the monitor for five minutes while CS2 lags and loads.

Keeping that thought in mind, X3 tribute comic:

All your base are belong to us
Barbie Horse Adventures receives gamers award

Chocolate chip cookie chokes president

Disney builds daring new attraction called Brokeback Thunder Mountain

E3 comittee reveals that LACC actually ancient indian burial ground

Final Fantasy 13 contains all dead characters from Kingdom Hearts series

Gay bloggers celebrate Groundhog Day in Germany

Horny House build home for local hobos

Internet explorer kills child in Iceland

Jessica Alba, secret diaries of

Kid Rock joins Korn

Lara Croft crafts sandwich with Kraft

Miss Universe sighted smoking marijuana

Nsync signs up for NASA astronaut program

Oprah Winfrey to be executed in season finale

Prince of Persia in Playboy magazine

Quotes from President Bush reveal secret messages when played backwards

Ricky Martin joins ramadan in Russia

Stephens Hawkins and King stars in Sports Illustrated feature for Summer Olympics

Taratino to film Kill Bill 6 in July

UFOs spotted in Malaysia on 123456 day

V for Valentine receives Academy Award

World War III slated to begin in November

Xena warrior princess to join cast of X-men

Yahoo says just use yellow pages

Zelda Wind Waker 3 to release in Q3 2007

Got your attention?

The very next next post will be my 50th post. The Examination diaries continue below.

Such coordination hints at a hive mind of sorts. More evidence follows...

That's right, the five-month anniversary of my blog, and the two-month anniversary of my sitemeter. I sometimes think I should have started the sitemeter earlier, it's kinda missing three months worth of visitors.

The following event (which I shall dub the Boon Clone Saga) took place at about 1.00am - 2.30am one Saturday morning. Notice how one of the Boonguans is actually Brian.

Don't matter. In another 250 hits as of press time, I will also be celebrating 2000 visitors. How shall we celebrate? With the posting of the angel picture, several comics and the end of the mid-terms.

2000 visitors is 1000 a month since April Fool's Day. Which incidentially is my new birthday. That's right, don't bother to wish me on the 2nd anymore. I am now officially one day older!

See, Leong seems to have coaxed Brian over to his side, by means fair or foul. Boong stands alone.

Maybe it will also be the day my blog passes the 500 comment mark? Actually, that mark might have already been passed, since the last time I counted it was 350 something and that was a month ago. Anyway, comments are more important than visitors to a blog. Comments show that the post inspired commenting. If people read it but don't get thought-provoked, what's the point?

The enigmatic Boon, it seems, has won his enemies over.

500 comments is 100 a month since New Year's Day. If you look at it from that perspective, that really is not a lot. Something has to be done about that.

Anyway, 250 hits will take 7 more days at my current average. I have decided that this is not enough, so I have deployed a new method to reach and surpass that faithful silver shot before June.

The saga ends and life returns to normal. Pretty much.

Yes. Buzzwords. No I am not being cheap. This is actually pretty important research and I will tell you the results when I'm done. For the record, my daily average is 35. We shall see if those numbers spike.

Look, writing buzzwords takes work.

The examination diaries part two. General Science versus Pure Science.

In the Red Corner, General Science.

Oh, you guys study ice-cream now? What's next, the chemical composition of a fried twinkie? I have to get in on this GS shit.


I think you chew food in your ass.

Or the baby maybe develops in the freakin vagina!

Refer to children's encyclopedia for this one.

What's next, periodic table color-by-numbers?

In the Blue Corner, the Trinity of Pure Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.

Do you feel that? That is the feeling of real chemistry as it punches you in the gut.

This isn't even a hard question. It just looks complicated.

Remember the GS question about digestion, and weep.

Why am I doing this again?

I dunno, it's not funny anymore.

I have a couple of surprise announcements for the next post. Yknow, post 49.


fernglin said...

dude....1st post!

My school has 12 people that passed up the biology paper 2 with 1 piece of empty paper or none at all.

The BEST science class has only FIVE passes for A.Maths. With ONE A1.

Chemistry paper 2 restricted response item looked so easy at 1st. Then, our chem teacher told us the exam scheme yesterday. Made a few grown man cry.

Unknown said...

whee. Exams over tomorrow. Back to writing.

Unknown said...

this has nothing to do with the post but...yes! exams are over! anime marathon! kyaaa~~!

yj said...

man... science stream can kill... not that i did much studying in the first place, but still...

Anonymous said...

hey.nsync did join NASA's program. Well lance bass did anyway. i ponder if he turned gay then. oh well *shrugs*

Jun Ian said...

i never said it was untrue.

its just buzzwords. REAL buzzwords that really happen. and you guys are going to have to groove on this post for a while. until I reformat my com.

also mike: sabrina got 93 for her add maths. shows the kdu standard. GRR

fernglin said...

F that biatch...she must have blardy cheated or bribed. MY witty fren got 95.

Anonymous said...

has it ever occured to you she might actually be SMART?

bloody discriminators.

yj said...

didya know that sanjay included chuck norris jokes into his group's performance?

Jun Ian said...

sanjay had a group performance?

grace: she got 3As for the pmr after cramming for a month.

Anonymous said...

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