Saturday, February 10, 2007

We Have A Rat

Jogathon donation meter: RM 13,000 and something. The Jogathon was on Saturday.

In my opinion it went pretty well.

But maybe my opinion doesn't count since I'm biased.

You know how some houses have rats, and you would never know if your house had a rat until you either saw it running around at night doing rat-like activities or else it left some kind of sign of rat-like activities. Like eating some cake left on the table or leaving little rat-footprints in the bread.

I found this behind the fridge of my house. What does it mean?

Do we have rats?
I would hate to have rats.

Maybe they're not rats but Jews.

Borat: The Jews have shifted shape!
Azamat: Throw money at them!
Borat: How much should I give them?
Azamat: More, more! Run!

So either the Jews have shifted shape behind my washing machine and are somewhere in the ground floor of my house, or I have rats. Am I safe upstairs? Can rats climb stairs? Can Jews?

I am aware of the fact that the word Jews looks like the word Jesus. Is that the reason why people are racist towards them? So many people are racist towards Jews they're not even called racists anymore. There's a new word for it. Anti-semitic.

You know people hate you when they have to make up a new word for those people. It's like there was a club, and then someone decided to give the club a name.

How about a new club? For people who make fun of Ming Yi? We could call it
Everybody Else.

Just messing.

Dexter: I dare you to ask Mdm Moses whether she can part the red sea.
Jun Ian: You know what she once told us? We were reading The Pearl, and she said, and that's how pearls are made. But not me. I was made in the normal way.
Daniel: That's so lame! Did anyone laugh?
Jun Ian: Yeah, sorta...
Daniel: But that's so lame!
Azfar: Ask her if she can part the red sea to find a pearl!

As it turns out, we do have rats. Or at least one.

The exterminator people came over and said there was a rat and it was in the storeroom. But they couldn't get to it to exterminate it because there was too much stuff and they couldn't move it out of the way without the rat escaping through the door.

Since when was a rat faster than a man? Is it because they have two more legs? Is it the tail? Why not have one guy watch the door and get the rat when it tries to make its sweet escape?

The exterminator's plan explained.

Exterminator: We can't catch the rat. There's too many things in that room and if we try to move it, the rat could escape and disappear into the house. Rats are too fast for us.
Me: How can a rat be faster than all seven of us? What are you going to do then?
Exterminator: We're going to leave some bait for the rat.
Me: The rat has already eaten some of the bait you left for it before, right? Why isn't it dead yet?
Exterminator: It's not poison. It's rat food.
Me: Not poison? Are we starting a colony then?
Exterminator: See, the rat food will make it thirsty. So the rat will leave its hiding place to look for water.
Me: And it would go where?

What good are you as exterminators if you can't catch one lousy rat?
The plan of attack for the rat. Just nail it with a six-iron or something!

Exterminator: The idea is that the rat would leave your house to find water. So the rat won't have to die inside the house.
Me: So your plan is to make the rat leave the house in search of water and have it die of old age? What's to stop it from coming back after it gets the water?
Exterminator: There's a slow poison in the food that acts after 2 or 3 days.
Me: Why wait? Why not kill it outright? The rat could go anywhere in that time.
Exterminator: There is an alternative. Lock the door to the room, and call us when you smell something and you know the rat is dead.

That's so dang brilliant. Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion of Man Vs Rat.

Tomorrow: The Hallmark Holiday!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

first post i mean

fernglin said...

Sure hope the rat makes it out alive for a while...I'll want to interview it

Anonymous said...

Mikey-san, both Peako and yourself can interview the rat~ together with "Happy"!

Unknown said...

better hope it doesn't have rabies, then.

Jun Ian said...

we have not opened the door to the rat room in two days now.

what is happening inside is anyone's guess.

TashaLim said...

mice are having a party inside..
so smart

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