Don't Panic
Jason: I'm sleeping in my parents room, cause my cousin's visiting from Canada and he's sleeping in my room with his girlfriend.
Jun Ian: Your cousin's getting it on in your bed!
Jason: Actually, he brought over another friend too. She's sleeping in the guest room.
Jun Ian: Tell me Jason, do you hear...animals sounds in the middle of the night? Does it sound like your cousin and the two girls are praying loudly in the next room, or maybe agreeing with each other a lot?
True story.
Jason's cousin is a PIMP, a man with the kind of night life every guy burns to have.
In other news, form ones are... making news. Not the good kind of news, but at least they're not making babies like last year's form ones.
Ancient history, that.
On to current issues, then. First up, Mrs Matthew's lawsuit.
Some of you might have heard that Mrs Matthews slapped a form one boy.
Some of you might have heard that the boy's parents are trying to sue her for it.
Your information is half correct.
Mrs Matthews definitely slapped Brian Thomas Silva for... well, details are vague but we believe he screamed out loud that he 'fucking hates Matthews' and was overheard and hauled to the office.
Not very clever of him, is it? While we might all feel the way he did from time to time, the difference is that we keep those feelings of resentment buried deep inside us, venting them in the company of friends or all over the internet in our blogs.
I think... I sound like a fag.
The point is, even if they had sued, chances are they wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. I certainly don't like our dear principal - I think she's an old-fashioned tart who takes forever to say nothing - but she was definitely within her rights to slap him that day.
I asked Pardeep (who apparently knows this degenerate) to find out if they were really suing her, and if they were, on what terms. Turns out they aren't.
Bummer. Even if they lost, it still would have been interesting.
Myth dispelled!
Exhibit B is Nicholas Gerard Kang.
They all have such interesting names. When I saw the Gerard I was like OMG thats like two famous guys (Gerard Butler and Steven Gerrard) but it turns out he's nothing like them.
Can't even toss a spear or kick a ball.
Looks like he has other talents, though.
Nicholas: Hey Sanjay, you wanna buy some porn?
Sanjay: What? Uh, no thanks.
Nicholas: How about a vibrator then? 75% off!
I don't even want to know where he would get his hands on such a thing. But Sanjay says he thinks the kid's not joking about the porn... I'm not sure if that's disturbing or what.
Last but not least, the WESLEY GOES GREENALL campaign is doing well.
Today, I made a bunch of flags, and we waved them in the hall, while the Chinese guy was going on about what an idiot Zakaria was.
Now the rest of this post is going to be about National Service.
Shocking to see so many cots laid out at the admin building, two lines strung across and IV drips hanging from them. People lying bundled up in the green blankets, feet propped up on the cushions from the pink sofa set. They were - well - lying down and pretty much motionless. Some couldn't even move and had to be propped up and hand-fed. Many were out cold and wouldn't wake up.
The administration is trying to keep the whole thing hush-hush by reminding us of the "no talking to outsiders or members of the press about what's going on" rule, and also disconnecting the phones.- operating instructions
Well, don't let that scare you too badly, especially if you've actually been selected for the program... there are far worse stories to be found. However, the extent to which you allow these stories to affect your decision to defer or to go is completely up to you.

Although the experience described in these pages can best be described as 'hellish', reading through it is far from that, extensive though her accounts are. Take this story for example:
Other stories from Vera - some girls were caught fighting the other day. It started with just two people, who both happened to be, respectively, a karate black belt and a taekwondo black belt. "The sparring was very cantik one," said Vera. The room was turned upside down, water sprayed all over (from water bottles), chairs upturned, clothes thrown all over.
The fight soon expanded to seven against one, and the one girl somehow hid in the ceiling rafters above her room. The seven searched for her, and when they left, she quickly scurried down, ran down two flights of stairs, got spotted by the seven, and jumped from the first floor to the ground. Ran to the faci's room, tailed by the seven. And all eight got caught.- operating instructions
You know, to write blogs in.

Your trainers will teach you this, but it’s interesting enough to tell you in advance. When in the jungle at night, you SHOULD NOT call people by their name. Aiyah, you want to know why, go and ask your trainer yourself. Anyway, so you are lined up in single file and given numbers … like the person at the front, usually the leader is called D1 for example and the last person is D22. At points, you will stop and have a roll call to check if everyone is there, from D1 to D22. Just don’t be smart and call out an extra D23... You don’t want to cause panic in the middle of the jungle at night, trust me hysterical people are NOT a pretty sight.
- Diyahloreng
And finally... one of the most disturbing things I've heard about National Service so far.
On Monday night, by the way, one of the things the soldiers yelled at us was the fact that 12 girls in Kolej D are pregnant, di manakah kehormatan kamu semua?! Hah? Kamu tak malu ke?
I was shocked to hear this, but Vera next to me simply raised her eyebrows and remarked, "You mean you don't know?"
I knew one girl was pregnant, but I didn't know about the other 11.
"So some people here are parents - together?" I spluttered. Vera confirmed this with a nod of her head. I felt like someone had just hit me on the head with a volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica.- operating instructions
That's all for now.
Tomorrow I'm going to run off to the Dataran Merdeka at the crack of dawn, so... stay tuned for that.
cbox records for this post were partially lost when i got lazy.
@DarK FoX: oh yes... i knew something was missing. if i decide to republish credit will be added
@usane: they? who?
@sha: nose, sha. the NOSE
@cait: well, fingers crossed. maybe i can write a letter or something.
thats two adds in three days... should i delete em? uncertainty
nooooo...his nose isnt soo is blind!!
hmm..they...? i forgot hu i was referring
this ns conversation we've been having.. is really really LONG. like a few days LONG. wow, how cool.
@sha: well im going to see it on sat... I'll let you know whether he's suitable
@usane: oh well =)
@darthhamster: ...
@cait: yeah, but its kinda over now x) nvm we'll find something else... the weather's nice, isnt it?
my mom told me off for saying "i feel like slapping mrs mathews" during dinner.. but who doesn't? she does take forever to say nothing
Hmm, your blog entries are always interesting. Anyways, dropping a tag to say I've moved blogs. Do link me. =)
=) yay !!
@Libby: oh really? most people's parents i know would just... join in x)
@zhenlim: thanks, i try =) alright... linked. never got around to doing your old one
mm hm, lovely and so smoky i can hardly see two feet in front of me when i walk in the streets. pollution is so peachy, eh?
Hello my malaysian friend. xp
Hmm, I think I fixed my chatbox. Did he now? LOL. Do you find it so?
i have a change of blog if you're updating the links (
@sha: so i watched it... and i actually can spell ratatouille now. but im sorry i have to say linguini has to be my least favorite character! he's just so undeserving!
@cait: oh i think its actually peary... get it? peaches and pears... okay that was super bad. im sorry x)
@zhenlim: yeah you did. myself? nah not really, no.
@Jamie: hello =) when does singapore celebrate anyway? i forget.
@DarK FoX: why livejournal?
the communities to expand readers
@DarK FoX: does it work?
dunno, but the The Star Malaysian Blog Project brought this copywriter to my blog
@DarK FoX: to do what, exactly?
to read and comment?
This is me visiting your blog the first time this entire year! yay me! Jason should have bugged his room, you know, to hear the praying :)
@DarK FoX: well i didnt know what a copywriter was
@eL: thats AWFUL. even i tried clicking on your dead link at least once, in HOPE
i don't know what a copywriter is either, but it says that on her blog
omg. since when did the f1's last yr make babies. hm?
@DarK FoX: they're... advertisers. in a web context they use keywords to boost a website's visibility on search engine results.
@Juin: well not ALL of you... but some did! i wrote about it... did you click the link? they start younger every year (;
Oh! the chris thing. haha!
@Juin: exactly! the chris thing. now who can tell me who the girl was? =P
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