Return Of The King
Ambitious title, I know.
Initially, this post was going to be called Elder Scrolls. Nothing to do with Oblivion, but some old papers I've been meaning to publish for a while now. But now I can't find half of what I wanted to blog, so that's going to have to wait until I see if my source still has the files.
Look, this isn't too bad either. What is it? It is the first page of an experimental comic project.
Hypothesis: Black and white owns color so hard.
So far the results say yes. The first page reveals nothing about what this comic is about. Some of you already know, y'all shut up now. The rest of you can find out when I publish. These comics are way easier to publish, they look nicer and take less time to draw. Maybe it's just the atmosphere in this particular strip that allows for black and white. No worries, when Wishworld resumes it will be in color.
So... Shamir. Who is Shamir? Shamir is the man. Mahadi should have some pictures up. He took one of the man today, in all his Daffy Duck glory. Check his blog, it's not up yet but it should be soon.
Edit: Okay, here it is.
Shamir: Hi.
Kevin: Hey.
Shaegan: Now you can tell everyone that Kevin Tan is your friend, and you'll be the coolest Form One kid around.
This went on for a while. We gave him the formal introduction to Faridah, Selva, Raja Azam, like every member of the kompang group, way too many students to remember, and the big cheese himself. I am, of course, talking about Jimmy.
In some cultures, Shamir is known as the Penguin.
Mahadi: Shamir, say hi to Susie.
Shamir: Hi.
Mahadi: Susie, say hi.
Susie: Hi.
Jun Ian: Say damn you, Batman.
Susie hits me.
Shamir: Damn you, Batman!
Susie: ...
Unfortunate Event of the Day: Shamir has no MSN.
Mahadi: That's an awful ManU jersey.
Shaegan: This jersey rocks.
Mahadi: It's long sleeved. What kind of football jersey has long sleeves? Shamir, say Shaegan's jersey sucks.
Shamir: Your jersey sucks!
Jun Ian: Now say Mahadi's Arsenal jersey sucks.
Shamir: Your jersey sucks!
Shaegan: What?
Mahadi: The hell? What team do you support anyway?
Shamir: Liverpool!
Shaegan: No wonder la insulting both jerseys so happily.
Fortunate Event of the Day: Shamir is a Liverpool supporter. Also, Liverpool won again. That makes 18 goals in 4 games. Eat it, world.
By the way, all of you honor students and prize winners. I cannot tell you, in words, how wonderful it felt to stand there surrounded by your little tablets and plaques as you were the stars of a glittering ceremony, which I missed by a grade in a retarded subject, playing drums for all of forty seconds to welcome a VIP who seemed all too eager to get away from us. Damnation, I say.
By the way, those of you who have not heard Lisha and Lih Fern's important something, consider yourselves yourselves. Is the important something beneficial or enlightening in any way? Does hearing it make one a better person?
You be the judge.
Lih Fern: Can we tell him?
Lisha: Let's tell him.
Jun Ian: This sounds bad.
Lisha: Jun Ian we have something to tell you.
Lih Fern: Something important.
Lisha: Jay Chou is hot.
Lih Fern and Lisha: SO HOT!!!
I buried my face in my kompang to stop the shaking.
Lolx first bored right now why oh why does world of warcraft abbandon me so....stupid maintainence i think Blizzard does this on purpose to watch us squirm. Anyway what IS that comic about and black and white looks quite nice but similar-ish to Marks drawing style
excuse me jun ian... i came up with that "tell everyone you're friends with so-and-so thing"
I don't get the comic as well, but it's nice
i literally just smacked my face on my keyboard.
jay chou has very weird eyes, sure he's body may seem 'hot', but he still doesn't fulfil the needs of a hot guy.
i should cut the crap. JAY CHOU IS UGLY.
i rock
dexter - does it? maybe because its black and white shaded. mark's got nothing on me.
mark - y'hear that, ya solid snaking redneck? nothing
mahadi - dont matter if ya did, ya didnt say it that time :D
aaron - whats there to get? it's just one panel! haha
lisha - HAHAHAHAAA.......
pia - maybe it is, pia. maybe it is...
sabrina - um, go opinion.
susie - as if
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