Operating Malfunctions
We can't go online.
This afternoon, Microsoft finally pulled support on 7.0 and I was forced to update to Windows Live, which... has never... worked... on this computer.
It's just one error message after another. First, I encountered my old enemy, error code 80048820. Way back whenever I tried to use Live, it's always been 80048820 I just couldn't get past. This time, it was accompanied by extended code 80048439, which I assume to be a sort of second form in my boss fight against the internet.
I tried a few fixes, and suddenly I ran up error code 81000378. I'm not entirely sure whether this is a step forward or backwards; but the search results for 81000378 seem to suggest it has no reliable solution.
So I was stuck.
Well, there's always eBuddy I guess.
Check the links
yea, they forced update. I miss my old Windows Live
hi5 for having the same problem. lets celebrate for havin the same problem :P
hmm..everyone's havin de same prob, i guess my comp is special! not havin de prob! nyahahaha!
what problem? O.O
no problem here, you have to update.
*shakes head* tsktsk.
check your comments, no absolute solution
you are the malay in me...XDD man i have got to turn that into a real song. one more thing to do after trials! whee
wow, and you're not even halfway through with your life yet! that's gotta be some kind of record, right? but mozart started composing when he was four. darn.
@yihui: and thats still going on? if i remember correctly you've been using web messenger for months!
@usane: yeah... you and EVERYONE ELSE on Live!
@gracie, DarK FoX: yes yes...
@alien_child: they're already, you know, making local versions of those songs
@cait: so what? i played the piano at four, the saxophone at five and wrote a song at six. and at six thirty i took a nap (;
AND I HATE EBUDDY! it's so annoying!!!! kill it.
@yihui: well i think its pretty... no substitute for a proper msn though.
haha, veery witty. well i've been playing the piano since five. that's nine hours! x)
hrms...can't study...dun wanna study...x_x
la la la la la
@cait: well, nine hours is still an awfully long time to be playing the piano for o_O
jun ian heres a new 7.0 version that works in XP, released september 11 this year so it should be supported
@Alex: alex you saved my life buddy i was getting so sick of web. i will sing your song, yes?
ummm have u tried googling error code 80048820 and following the instructions?
...thats for your MSN problem
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